HIV causes AIDS?

The notion that HIV causes AIDS is questionable


  • There is no evidence that HIV destroys CD4

    • There is a possibility that Oxidation causes AIDS

      • Poppers(amyl and butyl nitrites) cause oxidation

      • Recreational drugs cause oxidation

    • There is a possibility that Intestinal Dysbiosis causes AIDS

    • There is a possibility that AZT causes AIDS

    • There is a possibility that Malnutrition causes AIDS (Africa)

    • There is a possibility that lack of drinkable water causes AIDS (Africa)

Further Questions

Further Questions

  • How can we explain lots of HIV-positive dissidents without ARV passed away in early age?

Supporting Papers

Opposite Papers


Supporting Articles


Contrary to popular belief, HIV is not necessary to explain acquired immune deficiency and the illnesses associated with AIDS. To understand why this is so, it is first necessary to understand what AIDS is. AIDS is not a new disease or illness; it is a new name or designation for 29 previously known diseases and conditions. As the NIH states in its comprehensive report on AIDS, "the designation 'AIDS' is a surveillance tool." Since 1981, the surveillance tool AIDS has been used to track and record familiar diseases when they appear in people who have tested positive for antibodies associated with HIV. [...] Prior to the designation AIDS, these 29 diseases were not thought to have a single, common cause. In fact, all have recognized causes and treatments that are unrelated to HIV.


Roberto A. Giraldo

Five types of immunological stressor agents can alter the functioning of the immune system: chemical, physical, biological, mental, and nutritional. Numerous facts illustrate the incremental growth of these agents in recent decades, as well as their diversity throughout countries and continents. Our soil, water, air, and food are polluted with numerous chemical, physical, biological, and nutritional stressors. We are all exposed to stressor agents either involuntarily through the conditions under which we are obligated to live or voluntarily through life styles that we have chosen.


A Guide to Basic Principles for Effective, Nontoxic and Inexpensive Alternatives  February 2003

Understanding the real causes of AIDS. / Diagnosis using clinical and laboratory findings. / Avoiding exposure to immunological stressor agents. / Detoxifying the immune system and other systems. / Stimulating and regenerating the immune system and other systems. / Treating the clinical manifestations of AIDS. / Adopting natural treatment and therapies. / Initiating treatment at the appropriate time.


Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos
Department of Medical Physics, Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, Western Australia

The whole purpose of a scientific theory is to explain the mechanism behind observations and make predictions. If a theory cannot explain the observations for which it was put forward, or if its predictions are not fulfiled, then it should be abandoned. In this regard, despite the lapse of 18 years, there is still no proof as to the cause(s) of AIDS. Of course, there are theories but the biggest obstacle in overcoming the problem of AIDS, and proving its cause, is that one of these theories, the HIV theory, has been uncritically accepted since 1984. However, of all the theories, the HIV is the least likely.


Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos
Department of Medical Physics, Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, Western Australia
The emergence of AIDS as a recognisable disease, its epidemiology, the clinical and laboratory data and the way in which they have been interpreted to deduce the currently acceptable hypothesis of its aetiology and mechanism of transmission are critically examined. There is no compelling reason for preferring the viral hypothesis of AIDS to one based on the activity of oxidising agents. In fact, the latter is to be preferred, since unlike the viral hypothesis it leads to possible methods of prevention and treatment using currently available therapeutic substances.


Siro Passi and Chiara De Luca
Cell Aging Center, Istituto Dermopatico dell'Immacolata (IDI) Rome, Italy
With the growth of scientific knowledge, dietetics has become an applied science, and today there is an increased understanding of the role of nutritional factors in degenerative diseases, prolonged illness, acute injury, and complicated surgical and medical procedures, which are all frequently accompanied by malnutrition. The immunological disorders associated with malnutrition were named "Nutritionally Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome" (NAIDS), much before the trumpeting appearance of HIV. Nutrition must be considered a fundamental intervention in the early and ongoing treatment of immunodeficiency; in particular, micronutrients represent important cofactors for the optimal functioning of the immune system and are able to enhance disease resistance in humans and animals.


Study Group for AIDS Therapy
Treatment recommendations based on the works of Dr. Heinrich Kremer, Hamburg, Prof. Alfred Hässig, Berne and Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos, Royal Hospital, Perth and works of Leonore A. Herzenberg (Stanford University) and Jeffrey D. Peterson (Northwestern University)



Peter Duesberg (1) and David Rasnick (2)
The war on the new AIDS epidemic has been a complete failure in terms of public health benefits: 50,000 to 75,000 Americans develop AIDS per year and over $8 billion are spent annually on AIDS research and treatment by the US taxpayer alone, but there is no vaccine, and no effective drug, and not one AIDS patient has been cured. It is proposed here that this failure is the responsibility of the hypothesis that AIDS is caused by a virus named HIV. This hypothesis has monopolized AIDS research and treatment since 1984, but it neither explains nor predicts numerous AIDS facts, nor has it produced any public health benefits. In order to solve AIDS we propose here the drug-AIDS hypothesis. The drug hypothesis holds that all American AIDS diseases that exceed their normal low background are caused by the long-term consumption of recreational drugs, anti-HIV/AIDS drugs or both. ...


By Heinrich Kremer
Pneumonias & Lung Diseases. Pneumonia is a frightening prospect for anyone, treating physicians included. Undoubtedly prevention is better than cure. But does this involves a fresh commitment to look behind the plague-mongering to the sensitivity of our biological systems, and the pressures of present and cumulative chemo-toxicity?



A. Hassig, Liang Wen-Xi and K. Stampfli


A. Hassig, Liang Wen-Xi and K. Stampfi
The task of the immune system is to maintain the genetically determined individuality of the organism. This task covers two fields: Firstly the elimination of exogenous "not-self" structures and secondly the processing of endogenous "altered-self" structures, such as occur in large amounts with the constant restructuring of the cellular elements of the organism.(1) According to the latest opinions, the elimination of exogenous "not-self" structures is the primary task of the humoral immune reactions associated with the B cells. The processing of endogenous "altered-self" structures, on the other hand, is the primary task of the cellular immune reactions associated with cytotoxic T cells and natural killer cells. Immunological health depends on harmonious collaboration between the humoral and cellular immune reactions.


A. Hässig, H. Kremer, Liang Wen-Xi and K. Stampfli
Summary - The immune system’s main function is the constant elimination of endogenous cell debris, and when necessary, the disposal of foreign structures. It seems appropriate, therefore, to complement the existing paradigm of "self and non-self" with the concept of "altered self". The concept of stress comprises a multitude of environmental assaults, all of which result in a displacement towards catabolic metabolism. This is based on the activation of the neuroendocrine stress axis hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal glands, which results in increased production of catecholamines and glucocorticoids. The latter limit life-threatening acute phase reactions by means of the body’s own inflammatory mediators. The purpose of displacing the cytokine profiles of CD4 lymphocytes from Th1 to Th2 is to enable them to take over temporarily the inflammation-inhibiting role of cortisol until normality is re-established. In autoimmune disease a permanent Th2 displacement is a sign of persistent hypercortisolism. Failure by cortisone to arrest inflammation due to severe stress, results in hypercatabolic diseases such as AIDS, septicaemia, toxic shock syndrome and protein calorie malnutrition (NAIDS). Preventing and treating AIDS and NAIDS entails, besides removing the causes of stress, activating mesenchymal production of anabolic matrix components, eg. glycosamineglycanes, and the neutralisation of O and NO radicals, as well as inflammatory mediators from overactivated macrophages, using polyanions and polyphenols as food supplements. Septicaemia and toxic shock syndrome are, in our opinion, best treated with speedy administration of high doses of intravenous gammaglobulins.

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