No Proof that HIV Causes AIDS
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Original Publication
Heal Toronto
WASHINGTON, April 23 -- Federal researchers announced today that they found a virus that they believe is the cause of acquired immune deficiency syndrome, or AIDS.... There was a sense of quiet triumph in the halls of the Atlanta centers last week, but the euphoria that might have been expected was tempered by the knowledge that months of research are still required to firmly ascertain whether ... [the] virus is the cause of AIDS...."
Lawrence K. Altman, "New U.S. Report Names Virus That May Cause AIDS" The New York Times, April 24, 1984
Separating Science from Wishful Thinking, Politics & Hidden Agendas.
"Where is the research that says HIV is the cause of AIDS? There are 10,000 people in the world now who specialize in HIV. None has any interest in the possibility HIV doesn't cause AIDS because if it doesn't, their expertise is useless.”
Jad Adams, AIDS
The HIV Myth
"The story of AIDS is deeply connected with the vicis-situdes of the theory that viruses cause cancer and the failure of the Cancer Research Programme. Michael Verney-Elliot put it most accurately when he said 'From the people who didn't bring you the virus which causes cancer, it's the virus that doesn't cause AIDS.'"
Robert Gallo, M.D., Virologist
Virus Hunting, page 282
"Sometimes we [virologists] have a virus in search of a disease."
Lewis Carroll
Through the Looking Glass
"It's too late to correct it." said the Red Queen. "When you've said a thing, that fixes it, and you must take the consequences."
Journal of the American Medical Association
September 4, 1987, page 1149
"The diagnostic criteria accepted by the AIDS surveil-lance case definition should not be interpreted as the standard of good medical practice."
"AIDS Fight Skewed By Federal Campaign Exaggerating Risks"
The Wall Street Journal, May 1, 1996
"In the summer of 1987, federal health officials made the fateful decision to bombard the public with a terrifying message: Anyone could get AIDS."
While the message was technically true, it was also highly misleading.... In the U.S., the disease was , and remains largely the scourge of gay men, intravenous drug users, their sexual partners and their new-born children. Nonetheless, a bold public-relations campaign promised to sound a general alarm about AIDS....
"But nine years after the America Responds to AIDS campaign first hit the airwaves, many scientists and doctors are raising new questions. Increasingly, they worry that the everyone-gets- AIDS message - still trumpeted not only by government agencies but by celebrities and the media - is more than just dishonest: It is also having a perverse, potentially deadly effect on funding for AIDS prevention."
Columbia Journalism Review
March/April 1988
"What will the reaction be when members of the generation now in its teens and twenties realize that they have been hoaxed? Will they blame the media? The vast resources of personnel, funding and media attention wasted on heterosexual AIDS have diverted from understaffed, underfunded and under publicized public health projects that really could help cure AIDS.... Seldom if ever have such fervent efforts been dedicated to delivering the wrong public health message to the wrong recipients."
Michael Callen, "The Finale"
Genre Magazine, Feb/March 1994
"People passionately favored one theory over another. I believe the reasons for the preference for the single-virus theory is that it took away all responsibility from the vic-tim. You just happened to have had an unlucky fuck. It didn't have anything to do with the thousands of sexually transmitted diseases you had and all the drugs and staying up late and the abuse that you did to your body....”
“Suddenly it was international news: The cause of AIDS had been declared by fiat at a press conference. It was completely unheard of historically that a major scientific theory should be announced before peer review. To this day, there is no paper proving HIV...causes AIDS.”
"There is classical science - the way it's supposed to work And then there is science as religion. I regained my sanity when I realized that AIDS science was a religious dis-course. There was a pope and papal bulls. And you were not to argue with them. They were to be taken as fiat. The pope was Gallo and the popette was Fauci. They would just make these absolute statements with nothing to back them up. They once showed a hypothetical curve of infection and tried to pass it off as a documented mea-sured curve of infection. Fraud, fraud, fraud for days.”
"The one thing I will go to my grave not understanding is why a generation raised on Vietnam ant the aftermath of Vietnam was so quick to accept everything the govern-ment said as truth. Especially the central myth: 'The cause of AIDS is known.' What in the world made activists accept that - on the basis of a press conference, no less? My only theory is AIDS is a disease that requires the daily management of massive amounts of uncertainly, and people cling to any certainty they can find. Even if it's false."
James P. Carter, M.D., Dr.P.H.
Racketeering in Medicine
"Do doctors prescribe what's good for you or lucrative for them? The American public has no idea how politics and corporations secretly control the practice of medicine with the weight of their wallets.... Drug-driven American medi-cine is not interested in the many years' case document- ation of holistic protocols....
The goal is restraint of trade in order to maintain a monopoly with the support of government. At the root of all of these transgressions is undoubtedly a dogmatic pursuit of profit."
Westminster Review, 1906
"Choose your specialist, and you choose your disease."
Leo Tolstoy
"Most men...can seldom accept even the simplest and most obvious truth if it obliges them to admit the falsity of conclusions which they have delighted in explaining to colleagues, which they have proudly taught to others, and which they have woven thread by thread into the fabric of their lives."
Los Angeles Times editorial, November 24, 1994
"Nothing is quite so corrosive of science as reports of fraud and misconduct by scientists. One expects cheating and thievery in business, where the object is to make money, but not in science, where the ultimate reward, ostensibly, is finding the truth.”
"But there have been so many allegations of scientific dishonesty lately that the British journal Nature observed that 'outsiders can be forgiven for believing that science is not the honourable profession it pretends to be, but a mafia in which gangs scheme to win the credit for intellectual innovation.'"
Walter Cronkite
Preface to Orwell's 1984
"We hear 'newspeak' in every use of language to manipulate, decieve, to cover harsh realities with the soft snow of euphemism. And every time a political leader expects or demands that we believe the absurd, we experience that mental process George Orwell called 'doublethink'.”
"Orwell drew upon the technology (and perhaps some of the science fiction) of the day in drawing his picture of 1984. But it was not a work of science fiction he was writing. It was a novelistic essay on power, how it is acquired and maintained, how those who seek it tend to sacrifice anything and everything in its name.
"1984 is an anguished lament and a warning that we may not be strong enough nor wise enough nor moral enough to cope with the kind of power we have learned to amass."