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  • Controversy


  • AIDS Paradox

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  • The content includes various quotes and citations from professionals questioning the mainstream views on AIDS, HIV, and related research funding.


  • This content consists of a collection of quotes from various experts discussing the controversy surrounding the mainstream view of AIDS. The experts express alternative viewpoints and criticize the established narrative. They question the validity of HIV tests, the effectiveness of anti-viral drugs, and the existence of a major viral pandemic. They argue that the mainstream view is misleading and that the scientific establishment is distorting facts for financial gain. Overall, these quotes highlight the importance of considering alternative perspectives and questioning established beliefs.

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  • Citations

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  • AIDS

  • HIV

  • Research

  • Scientists

  • Controversy

  • Pandemic

  • Statistics

  • Funding

  • Virologist

  • Pharmaceutical companies

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Dr. Charles Thomas, Molecular Biologist and former Harvard and Johns Hopkins Professor:

"The HIV-causes-AIDS dogma represents the grandest and perhaps the most morally destructive fraud that has ever been perpetrated on young men and women of the Western world," (Sunday Times (London) 3 April 1994)

"AIDS has been a disease of definition. If we said that it didn't exist and didn't pay for it with taxpayers' money, it would disappear in the background of normal mortality." (Penthouse April 1994)

"I feel that for scientists to remain silent in the face of all this doubt is tantamount to criminal negligence." (Spin June 1992)

Dr. Roger Cunningham, Immunologist, Microbiologist and Director of the Centre for Immunology at the State University of New York at Buffalo:

"Unfortunately, an AIDS 'establishment' seems to have formed that intends to discourage challenges to the dogma on one side and often insists on following discredited ideas on the other." (Sunday Times (London) 3 April 1994)

Dr. Richard Strohman, Professor Emeritus of Cell Biology at the University of California at Berkeley:

"In the old days it was required that a scientist address the possibilities of proving his hypothesis wrong as well as right. Now there's none of that in standard HIV-AIDS program with all its billions of dollars." (Penthouse April 1994)

"We need research into possible causes such as drug use and behaviour, not a bankrupt hypothesis." (Sunday Times (London) 3 April 1994)

Dr. Mohammad Ali Al-Bayati, Toxicologist and Pathologist, California:

"HIV does not cause AIDS. There is no scientific evidence that HIV can kill infected T4 cells. The true problem is that the leaders of the HIV hypothesis have been ignoring important medical facts and are blindly attributing AIDS to the HIV virus. It is very sad and frustrating to know that the AIDS establishment are giving highly toxic drugs such as AZT to pregnant women even with studies that show the depression in the immune system can be reversed by nutrition. Prescribing anti-viral drugs to AIDS patients is like putting gasoline on a fire"

Dr. Alfred Hässig, Emeritus Professor in Immunology at the University of Bern, former Director Swiss Red Cross blood banks:

"The sentence of death accompanying the medical diagnosis of AIDS should be abolished." (Sunday Times (London) 3 April 1994)

"In the virological research, so much money is invested, and the research people want to stay in that area because if you deviate to research in other directions probably other people come in and must be funded." (Meditel 1992)

"Virologist have nothing new to offer. They keep coming up with excuses, they find constant growth and change in the virus structure, it evades, attacks, strange things, but none of them has the courage to explain properly how these things could possibly be so." (Continuum Jan/Feb 1996)

"AZT (anti-viral AIDS medicine) has, in countless cases, brought about the inevitable and slow asphyxiation of the patient's body cells. The doctors wrongly diagnose the fatal consequences of AZT medication as AIDS following a prior HIV infection. Treatment with AZT and allied toxic substances may be equivalent to joining a suicide squad with a time fuse."

"It is the duty of every doctor to preserve life at any cost -- and not death-curse people based on any test so they are so frightened they kill themselves. I am sad to say that these voodoo methods were practised despite there never being any proof that the detected antibodies are an indication of mortality in all diagnosed people. I consider it medical malpractice to push patients into dying by prophesying an early death. We are medical scientists, not prophets!"

Dr. Heinz Ludwig Sänger, Emeritus Professor of Molecular Biology and Virology. Former Director of the Department of Viroid Research, Max-Planck-Institutes for Biochemy, München. Robert Koch Award 1978.

"The result of my intensive literature research shows that so far not one publication exists, in which is being described that HIV has been isolated, purified, and charaterized by the criteria of classical virology." (Forword Mythos AIDS 2000)

"During the past 20 years HIV-AIDS research has shown to a line of critical scientists again and again that the existence of HIV has not been proven without doubt, and that both from a aetiological (causal), and a epidemiological view, it can not be responsible for the immunodeficiency AIDS. In view of the general accepted HIV/AIDS hypothesis this appeared to me so unbelievable that I decided to investigate it myself. After three years of intensive and, above all, critical studies of the relevant original literature, as an experienced virologist and molecular biologist I came to the following surprising conclusion: Up to today there is actually no single scientifically really convincing evidence for the existence of HIV. Not even once such a retrovirus has been isolated and purified by the methods of classical virology." (Letter to Süddeutsche Zeitung Oct. 2000)

Dr. Walter Gilbert, Professor in Molecular Biology, 1980 Nobel prize for chemistry:

"I would not be surprised if there were another cause of AIDS and even that HIV is not involved." (Omni June 1993)

"[Duesberg] is absolutely correct in saying that no one has proven that AIDS is caused by the AIDS virus. And he is absolutely correct that the virus cultured in the laboratory may not be the cause of AIDS." (Hippocrates Sept./Oct. 1988)

"The community as a whole doesn't listen patiently to critics who adopt alternative viewpoints. Although the great lesson of history is that knowledge develops through the conflict of viewpoints." (Meditel 1990)

Dr. Albert Sabin, Virologist:

"I think the views of a person like Dr. Duesberg are terribly, terribly important, and we must pay attention to them." (Oakland Tribune 31 Jan. 1988)

Dr. Rush Wayne, M.A., Molecular Biology, Harvard University, PhD, Biochemistry, University of California:

"While first learning about the AIDS controversy, I read whatever I could on both sides. I have not found an instance, when both sides have been able to state their complete case, where the mainstream AIDS view has held up. On the contrary, much of the mainstream view seems to be based on bad research and fallacious reasoning."

Dr. Andrew Herxheimer, Emeritus Professor of Pharmacology, UK Cochrane Centre, Oxford:

"I think zidovudine [AZT] was never really evaluated properly and that its efficacy has never been proved, but it's toxicity certainly is important. And I think it has killed a lot of people. Especially at the high doses. I personally think it not worth using alone or in combination at all." (Continuum Oct. 2000)

Michael Ellner, Medical Hypnotherapist, President of HEAL New York:

"I have seen the constant terror, and programming to get sick and die, that people at risk for developing AIDS face. I am certain that the hypothesis that long-term drug use is primary cause of what is now called AIDS is far more likely to prove true than the failed notion that AIDS is caused by a germ." (Sunday Times (London) 3 April 1994)

Dr. Steven Jonas, Professor of Preventive Medicine, Suny Stony Brook, NY:

"Evidence is rapidly accumulating that the original theory of HIV is not correct." (Sunday Times (London) 3 April 1994)

Dr. Lawrence Bradford, Biology Professor in Atchinson, Kansas:

"The cause of AIDS is multifactorial. HIV is neither necessary nor sufficient." (Sunday Times (London) 3 April 1994)

Neville Hodgkinson, former Science Editor, The Times of London:

"A kind of collective insanity over HIV and AIDS has gripped leaders of the scientific and medical profession. They have stopped behaving as scientists, and instead are working as propagandists, trying desperately to keep alive a failed theory."

Dr. Beverly Griffin, Director of the Department of Virology, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith Hospital London:

"It will surely lead to a scientifically healthier society if the burden of proof for HIV as a deadly pathogen is returned to where it belongs - to those who maintain that HIV causes AIDS - and others are allowed to pursue alternative approaches in the battle for eradiction of the disease." (Nature 20 April 1989)

Dr. Etienne de Harven, Professor of Pathology, University of Toronto:

"Dominated by the media, by pressure groups and by the interests of pharmaceutical companies, the AIDS establishment lost contact with open-minded, peer-reviewed science since the unproven HIV/AIDS hypothesis received 100% of the research funds while all other hypotheses were ignored. How many wasted efforts, how many billions of research dollars gone in smoke... Horrible."

Dr. Hiram Caton, Ethicist, Head of the School of Applied Ethics at Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia:

"The orthodoxy will collapse because it flunks the practical test. The AIDS epidemic was a mirage manufactured by scientists who believed that integrity could be maintained amidst the diverting influences of big money, prestige and politics." (Sunday Times (London) 3 April 1994)

Dr. Phillip Johnson, Senior Professor of Law, University of California at Berkeley:

"That establishment continue to doctor statistics and misrepresent the situation to keep the public convinced that a major viral pandemic is under way when the facts are otherwise." (Sunday Times (London) 3 April 1994)

"One does not need to be a scientific specialist to recognise a botched research job and a scientific establishment that is distorting the facts to maximise its funding. That establishment continues to doctor statistics and misrepresent the situation to keep the public convinced that a major viral pandemic is underway when the facts are otherwise."

Dr. Henk Loman, Professor of Biophysical Chemistry at the Free University in Amsterdam:

"There are many people with AIDS but without HIV, and a great many people with HIV but without AIDS. These two facets mean that HIV = AIDS is much to simple. Plausible, alternative, testable causes of impairment of the immune system which may ultimately lead to AIDS should become part of regular AIDS research." (Sunday Times (London) 3 April 1994)

Dr. Kary Mullis, Biochemist, 1993 Nobel Prize for Chemistry:

"If there is evidence that HIV causes AIDS, there should be scientific documents which either singly or collectively demonstrate that fact, at least with a high probability. There is no such document... The HIV theory, the way it is being applied, is unfalsifiable and therefor useless as a medical hypothesis." (Sunday Times (London) 28 nov. 1993)

Dr. Harry Rubin, Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California at Berkeley:

"It is not proven that AIDS is caused by HIV infection, nor is it proven that it plays no role whatever in the syndrome." (Sunday Times (London) 3 April 1994)

"The causal role of HIV in AIDS is certainly not proven."

Dr. Luc Montagnier, Virologist, discoverer of HIV, Institute Pasteur Paris:

"There are too many shortcomings in the theory that HIV causes all signs of AIDS. We are seeing people HIV-infected for 9, 10, 12 years or more, and they are still in good shape, their immune system is still good. It is unlikely that these people will come down with AIDS later." (Miami Herald 23 Dec. 1990)

Dr. Joseph Sonnabend, New York Physician:

"The marketing of HIV, through press releases and statements, as a killer virus causing AIDS without the need for any other factors, has so distorted research and treatment that it may have caused thousands of people to suffer and die." (Sunday times (London) 17 May 1992)

Dr. Fabio Franci, Specialist in Preventive Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Trieste, Italy:

"I am not an agnostic; I am well convinced HIV is harmless." (Sunday Times (London) 3 April 1994)

Dr. Bernard Forscher, former Managing Editor of the Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences:

"The HIV hypothesis ranks with the 'bad air' theory for malaria and the 'bacterial infection' theory of beriberi and pellagra [caused by nutritional deficiencies]. It is a hoax that became a scam." (Sunday Times (London) 3 April 1994)

Dr. Paul Rabinow, Professor of Anthropology, University of California at Berkeley:

"In particular I have pursued the situation of haemophiliacs and HIV because it was the arena least charged with moralism. Systematic attempts to be allowed to look at the data or to find rigorous controlled studies have failed." (Sunday Times (London) 3 April 1994)

Paul Lineback, Counselling Psychologist, Eastern Oregon State College:

"Protecting and promoting the unproven HIV hypothesis as fact is inducing unnecessary stress, probable emotional harm, and maybe even psychological murder." (Sunday Times (London) 3 April 1994)

Dr. Arthur Gottlieb, Chairperson of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the Tulane University School of Medicine:

"The viewpoint has been so firm that HIV is the only cause and will result in disease in every patient, that anyone who challenges that is regarded as 'politically incorrect.' I don't think - as a matter of public policy - we gain by that, because it limits debate and discussion and focuses drug development on attacking the virus rather than attempting to correct the disorder of the immune system, which is central to the disease." (Penthouse April 1994)

Dr. Casper Schmidt, M.D. New York Psychiatrist:

"There is no way that AIDS can be an infectious disease. Something else must be going on. The more likely interpretation is that HIV and immune dysfunction - rather than HIV being a cause and immune dysfunction being a consequence - are both consequences of something else." (Penthouse April 1994)

Dr. Gordon Stewart, Emeritus Professor of Epidemiology University of Glasgow:

"Nobody wants to look at the facts about this disease. It's the most extraordinary thing I've ever seen. I've sent countless letters to medical journals pointing out the epidemiological discrepancies and they simply ignore them. The fact is, this whole heterosexual AIDS thing is a hoax." (Spin June 1992)

"AIDS is a behavioural disease. It is multifactorial, brought on by several simultaneous strains on the immune system - drugs, pharmaceutical and recreational, sexually transmitted diseases, multiple viral infections." (Spin June 1992)

"The hypothesis that HIV is the sole cause of AIDS simply does not fit the clinical and epidemiological facts"

Dr. Harvey Bialy, Editor of the science journal Bio/Technology:

"HIV is an ordinary retrovirus. There is nothing about this virus that is unique. Everything that is discovered about HIV has an analogue in other retroviruses that don't cause AIDS. HIV only contains a very small piece of genetic information. There's no way it can do all these elaborate things they say it does." (Spin June 1992)

"From both my literature review and my personal experience over most of the AIDS - so called AIDS centres in Africa, I can find absolutely no believable persuasive evidence that Africa is in the midst of a new epidemic of infectious immunodeficiency." (Meditel 1992)

Dr. Peter Duesberg, Professor of Molecular Biology University of Berkely:

"There are no slow retroviruses, only slow retrovirologists." (Spin June 1992)

"They have hyped up HIV into this super-rapist but in reality the damn thing can hardly get an erection." (Times of London 11 May 1992)

"Epidemiology is like a bikini: what is revealed is interesting; what is concealed is crucial." (PNAS Feb. 1991)

"When AIDS patients' bodies finally break down from the effects of these anti-viral drugs, they say, 'Now the virus has become resistant, and the drugs have lost their effectiveness.' What really is happening is the toxicity of the drugs builds up to a point where the patient cannot stand it anymore. And, of course, they say it was the virus -- rather than the entirely inevitable and predictable toxicity of these damned drugs."

Dr. Roberto Giraldo, Specialist in Internal Medicine, Infectious and Tropical Diseases, New York

"HIV tests are meaningless. A person can react positive even though he or she is not infected with HIV. The tests are interpreted differently in different countries, which means that a person who is positive in Africa (or Thailand) can be negative when tested in Australia. There is no justification for the fact that most people have not been informed about the serious inaccuracy of the tests. The error has catastrophic repercussions on thousands of people. Since people are reacting positive on tests that are not specific for HIV, let’s please stop labeling them as ‘HIV positive’"

Nick Siano, author of No Time to Wait:

"The things that we're feeding people emotionally about this disease are much more deadly than HIV itself. The emotional content of HIV infection is 75 percent of the battle." (Penthouse Dec. 1995)

Dr. James Hudson, Professor of Pathology and Medicine, University of British Columbia

"I stopped going to AIDS meetings several years ago -- I could no longer stand the stress of restraining myself from getting up and shouting, 'Rubbish!"

Dr. Frank Buianouckas: Professor of Mathmatics, Bronx New York.

"I am suspect about everything involved in this AIDS epidemic, because if HIV causes anything, it certainly causes fund-raisers. It sells stocks. It supports dances. It sells condoms. And it keeps the AIDS establishment going." (Penthouse Dec. 1995)

Dr. Michael Lange: Head of AIDS Programme St. Lukes Hospital, New York:

"What I would strongly support is a more open discussion. We do not know the pathogenesis of this disease. And we were very early forced into a very dogmatic view: namely that somehow HIV kills the T-cells." (Spin April 1991)

Dr. Sam Mhlongo: Head of the Department of Family Medicine and Primary Health Care at the Medical University of South Africa:

"The case for a link between HIV and AIDS is not proven. I would like the "orthodox" scientists to acknowledge that in Africa there are 29 or 30 diseases which may mimic AIDS, which are related to poverty. But they will not accept that because poverty does not make them big money but HIV makes them money. If we dissidents had only one hundredth of the funds that the orthodox view has, the orthodox view would probably be dead in less than a year."

Dr. Donald Abrams: Prof. of Medicine, San Francisco General Hospital:

"I have a large population of (HIV + patients) who have chosen not to take any anti-viral drugs. They've watched all of their friends go on the anti-viral bandwagon and die."

Dr. Manu Kothari: Professor of Anatomy, Seth G.S. Medical College, Mumbai India:

"For all we know, it is not HIV that causes AIDS, but the so-called co-factors such as indiscriminate antibiotic use, recreational drugs, poverty, malnutrition, polluted water and pesticised food. AZT and the like (so-called triple therapy) are rank cytotoxic poisons. To give AZT to pregnant women is a crime against the mother and the baby she is making."

Dr. Ralph Moss: Author of The Cancer Industry:

"The paradigm that was laid down for how to milk the cancer problem is basically the same paradigm which is being followed in milking the AIDS problem." (Penthouse Dec. 1995)

Michael Callen: AIDS Activist, died in 1994, 13 years after AIDS diagnosis.

"The HIV paradigm has produced nothing of value for my life and I actually believe that treatments based on the arrogant belief that HIV has proven to be the sole and sufficient cause of AIDS has hastened the deaths of many of my friends" (Meditel 1992)

Dr. Stefan Lanka: Virologist, Germany.

"No particle of HIV has ever been obtained pure, free of contaminants; nor has a complete piece of HIV RNA (or the transcribed DNA) ever been proved to exist." (Continuum Sept./Oct. 1996)

Anthony Liversidge: Science journalist, New York

"The editors of the Proceedings [of the U.S. National Academy of Science] enlisted a phalanx of special reviewers - 26 at last count - to criticize his [Duesberg's] three submissions. None could identify a single uncorrectable flaw in fact or logic, as the editors acknowledged, only a difference of opinion." (Omni June 1993)

Dr. Serge Lang, Professor of Mathematics, Yale University:

"I do not regard the causal relationship between HIV and any disease as settled. I have seen considerable evidence that highly improper statistics concerning HIV and AIDS have been passed off as science, and that top members of the scientific establishment have carelessly, if not irresponsible, joined the media in spreading misinformation about the nature of AIDS." (Yale Scientific, Fall 1994)

Dr. Dave Rasnick, Biochemist, visiting scientist University of California at Berkeley.

"In defending the purchased consensus, HIV researchers use statistical methodologies shown by their inventors to be invalid and conduct experiments without any controls. They take causes for effects, correlations for causations, and constants for variables. Most important, they haven’t stopped AIDS. What they have done successfully is instilled fear into human sexual relations -- an amorphous fear, which most AIDS professionals as well as journalists argue has been valuable." (Talk Napoli, Italy, April 2001)