The AIDS Cult

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  • John Lauritsen

  • Ian Young


  • Psychology

    • Voodoo

    • Cult

  • Book Review


John Lauritsen & Ian Young, 'The AIDS Cult: Essays on the gay health crisis' Asklepios USA 1997, 224 pages, ISBN 0-943742-10-2.

What really causes AIDS? A virus from Africa? Or our own neglect - or worse - of whole categories of our population?

The essays in The AIDS Cult show how a number of different beliefs, group interests and social forces conspire to make us "sick".

With varied backgrounds and different vantage points, the eight contributors offer a fresh, radical view of our society's health crisis, as manifested in the gay community. They challenge us to reexamine our assumptions about AIDS and terminate the mass sacrificial ritual we have been enacting.