The Thl-Th2 hypothesis of HIV infection: new insights
Mario Clerici and Gene M. Shearer
Immunology Today, 1994 Dec; 15(2) :575-81.
In their earlier, nmch quoted, viewpoint article, Mario Clerici and Gene Shearer examined the role of T helper I (Th l )- and Th2-type responses m imnlune dysregulation associated u,ith immmmdeficien O' virus (HIV) infection. In this article, the), consider the complications of ,1 Th l-Th2 model raised by the nomenclature, discuss the issue of cvtokine production by non-T cells, and compare data obtained from T-celi clones with heterogeneous populations of leukoo,tes fronl paticnts. They define Th-cell responses and cytokine profiles as 'type 1' and 'type 2', and reenlphasize the imporhlnce of strong celhdar inlmune responses, along with the cytokines :hat attgnlent and nlaintain such responses, in protective inlmunity against HI V infection and AIDS progression. Fil::llly the)' present a model of activ, qon-induced, cytokine-nlodulated, progranmled cell death as a major fmtor in the pathogenesis o t HIV infection and AIDS.