Gordon Stewart

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Gordon T. Stewart MD, BSc, FRCP, FRCPath., FFPHM, FRSS, DTM&H. Emeritus Professor of Public Health, University of Glasgow. Former Consultant Physician (Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine) NHS (UK) and WHO. (Biography)





Research & Professional Experience:








Main AIDS Papers:

G.T. Stewart and S. Haro, 'Update on Sexually-Transmissible Diseases' EURO-WHO, Copenhagen. 1984

G.T. Stewart, 'Social and Cultural Factors in Human Health' (Chapter 11) Contract Report to EURO-WHO. 1985

G.T. Stewart, 'Prediction of Epidemiological Trends' In AIDS diagnosis and control (rapporteur at Meeting in Munich, March 1987) EURO-WHO Copenhagen. 1987

G.T. Stewart, 'Uncertainties about AIDS and HIV' Lancet 336; 1325, 1989

G.T. Stewart, 'AIDS: Differences within the UK' In Commun. Dis (Scotland) AIDS Supp 90/33, 1, 1990

G.T. Stewart, 'AIDS in the UK: Estimates of differences by risk-group denominators' Ibid 91/24, 1, 1991

G.T. Stewart, 'Epidemiology and Transmission of AIDS' In Soc Pub Hlth, Official Handbook, 19-24, 1992

G.T. Stewart, 'Changing the Case-Definition of AIDS' Lancet 340; 1414, 1992

G.T. Stewart, 'Conspiracy Hides the Truth on AIDS' Sunday Times, London: (News Review) 7 June 1992

G.T. Stewart, 'Errors in Predictions of the Incidence and Distribution of AIDS' Lancet 341; 898, 1993

G.T. Stewart, 'AIDS Predictions in the UK (Reply to Correspondence)' Lancet 342; 437, 1993

G.T. Stewart, 'AIDS Predictions (in reply to correspondence)' Lancet 343; 1287, 1993

G.T. Stewart, B. Craven and M. Taghavi, 'Expenditure on AIDS' J. Pub. Policy 13; 305, 1994

G.T. Stewart, 'Scientific Surveillance and Control of AIDS' Health Care Analysis 2; 279, 1995

E. Baumann et al., 'AIDS Proposal: Group for the Scientific Reappraisal of the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis' Science 267; 945-6, 1995

G.T. Stewart, 'The Epidemiology and Transmission of AIDS: A hypothesis linking behavioural and biological determinants with time, person and place' Genetica 95; 173, 1995

G.T. Stewart, 'Transmission of HIV in Women' Lancet 345; 1241, 1995

G.T. Stewart, 'AIDS and the Ethics of Programmed Compassion' Bull. Med. Ethics 106, 19-24, 1995

G.T. Stewart and B. Craven, 'Corporate Governance, Financial Reporting and the Cost of Containing the AIDS Threat in Scotland' Financial Accountability & Management 11, 223-40, 1995

G.T. Stewart, 'Global Burden of the HIV epidemic' Lancet 348; 480, 1996

G.T. Stewart and B. Craven, 'Monitoring Expenditure in Relation to Epidemiological and Demographical Characteristics of AIDS in SE England' Health Care Analysis 6; 31-42, 1997

G.T. Stewart, B. Craven and M. Khan, 'AIDS: Safety, regulation and the law in procedures using blood and blood products' Med. Sci. Law 37; 215-227, 1997

E. Papadopoulos et al., 'HIV Antibodies: Further questions and a plea for clarification' Current Med Research and Opinion 13; 617-26, 1997

G.T. Stewart, 'Bayesian Projection of the AIDS Epidemic' (Comment) App. Statist 1998; 47; 484-5, 1998

G.T. Stewart, B. Craven, E. de Harven and C. Fiala, 'Making AIDS a Business Imperative' Lancet 354;679-80, 1998

G.T. Stewart, 'Ethics and Risk-Benefit in Vaccinations' Bioetica Clinica 199; II; 56-60. (Euroconference, Rome), 1998

G.T. Stewart and C. Fiala, 'Immunisation With gp160 in HIV-1 Infection' Lancet 354; 948, 1999

G.T. Stewart, 'HIV Screening and Pregnancy: More doubt required' The Practising Midwife 2, 33, 1999

G.T. Stewart, D. Tregoning and B. Craven, 'Reducing Vertical Transmission of HIV' (with ) BMJ-eletters 12 Nov 1999

G.T. Stewart and E. de Harven, 'Discordant Results with EM and PCR in Measuring Viral Load' Proc Internat Conf on HIV/AIDS Programme including Methods of Testing. Nagpur, India, 31st Jan. 2000, p15.

G.T. Stewart, 'Science, Sense and Nonsense About HIV in Africa' (Letter with Correction of Editorial) Comm. Dis. Pub. Hlth. 2000; 3; 307, 2000

S. Mhlongo et al, 'The Durban Declaration Is Not Accepted By All' Nature 407; 286, 2001

G.T. Stewart, 'HIV/AIDS in Africa' AIDS & Hepatitis Digest No 83, 2-4. London: Roy. Soc. Med. (See also Editorial, ibid., "Science, truth and controversy") 2001
