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The existence of HIV is questionable


Further Questions

  • If the HIV virus is not validated by the ‘Cohort study’, do other viruses ever validated by it?


Supporting Papers

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Opposite Papers

titleExcerpt from AIDSTruth

HIV has been isolated from patients at all stages of HIV infection, including AIDS, and propagated in cell culture (17, 4654). Various protocols for HIV-1 isolation (without “contaminants” claimed by Dr. Goodson) have been developed, and each of these protocols can be considered “standard” (5562). Detailed images of HIV-1 virions, revealing morphology typical of the genus Lentivirus, have been obtained using transmission electron microscopy (4648, 53, 63) and electron cryotomography (64, 65). A combination of immunofluorescent and electron microscopy has allowed visualization of intracellular trafficking of individual HIV-1 particles toward the nucleus of the infected cell (66). The process of cell-to-cell transfer of HIV-1 between T-lymphocytes has been visualized using high-speed three-dimensional video microscopy (67).


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The only way to prove the existence of a virus is to isolate its particles. No. The only reason we have HIV is antibodies. When it is all said and done, it’s not just that antibodies are used to prove some individuals are infected with HIV. As in the case of HIV, Gallo and his colleagues claimed that antibodies elevated certain culture proteins to the status of a virus. When it was discovered that such antibodies were induced by a wide variety of stimuli that had nothing to do with viruses, and they occurred in far more healthy people than could have ever had the virus to cause leukaemialeukemia, HL23V disappeared from the annals of science.

IFAS Press-Communique from the 12th World AIDS Conference

None of the so-called "HIV-markers", biomedical or genetic, seen in human subjects labelled labeled "HIV positive" and/or having "AIDS" has been known to be specific for "HIV".


The Isolation of HIV - Has It Really Been Achieved? The Case Against

A Critique of the Evidence for the Isolation of HIV

The Isolation Question

Isolation 101: The Basics

Interview LUC MONTAGNIER: Did Luc Montagnier Discover HIV?

Commentary on MONTAGNIER

Has GALLO Proven the Role of HIV in AIDS?


Retrovirus Pioneer Rejects HIV-AIDS Model

E-mail Correspondence

HIV Is Real, But Harmless

The Final Act : Should HIV-AIDS Critics Question the Existence of HIV?

[출처불문]Papadopulos-Eleopulos et al comment on the "seminal" Gallo papers:

[출처불문]First Pictures of "PURE HIV"